Thursday, July 31, 2008

Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle (2)

Washington Irving
New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.
1802-1803 (1983)

Ideas and Quotes for Discussion
"...the lady was seen, with the most bewitching languor, reclining on the arm of an extremely attentive beau, who, with a long cane...was carefully employed in removing every stone, stick or straw that might impede the progress of his tottering companion, whose high-heel'd shoes just brought the point of her toes to the ground."

"What husband is there but will look back with regret, to the happy days of female subjection."

"...the audience, who, I assure you, furnish no inconsiderable part of the entertainment [at the play]."

"I had got in the neighborhood of a very obliging personage, who had seen the play before, and was kindly anticipating every scene, and informing those about him what was to take place...."

"The even strive to be inattentive...propose a game or two of cards in the theater during the performance....."

"As to the dull souls who go for the sake of the play, why, if their attention is interrupted by the conversation of their neighbors, they must bear it with patience--it is a custom authorized by fashion. Persons who go for the purpose of chatting with their friends are not be deprived of their amusement."

Critics:"...the most 'presumptuous,' 'arrogant,' 'malevolent,' 'illiberal,' 'ungentleman-like,' 'malignant,' 'raucous,' 'villainous,' 'ungrateful,' 'crippled,' 'invidious,' 'detracting,' 'fabricating,' 'personal,' 'dogmatical,' 'illegitimate,' 'tyrannical,' 'distorting,' spindleshanked moppets, designing villains and upstart ignorants."

"Nothing is more intolerable to an old person than innovation...."

"...for this I can give no other excuse, than that it is the privilege of old folks to be tiresome...."

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